2020 - Volume 3 [Issue 1]

Case Report

Complications of Spinal Cord Injury can Hide Fever and Cough Associated to COVID-19

Aylin Ayyıldız, Banu Kuran, Banu Altoparlak, Beril Dogu, Figen Yılmaz

Page: 60-64

Hemorrhagic Posterior Reversible Encephalopathy – A Case Report and Literature Review

Isabela dos Santos Alves, Cristyano Bismark Ferreira Leite, Cairo Thome Roca, Daniel de Souza Delgado, Maria da Graça Morais Martin, Ana Patricia Ferreira Vieira, Claudia da Costa Leite, Marcos Fernando de Lima Docema

Page: 145-152

COVID-19 Patient Associated with Rare Pneumatocele Finding: CT Features and Case Report

Edwin Adhi Darmawan Batubara, Christy Amanda, Paralam Sinambela, Ricky Triweda, Jerry Indra Setiawan

Page: 120-124

Ataxia and Seizure as a Manifestation in a Pediatric Case of SARS-CoV-2

Farzad Ahmadabadi, Amirmohammad Abdolmohammadzadeh, Negin Nahanmoghaddam, Faramarz Ajri

Page: 99-104

Bilateral Huge Ovarian Mature Cystic Teratoma in a Primipara: A Case Report

E. I. Nonye-Enyidah, D. H. John, F. Horsfall, L. B. Lebara, T. N. Tamunokuro, K. Okah, L. D. Ndii

Page: 184-188

Bilateral Osgood-Schlatter Disease in an Adolescent Nigerian Male: A Case Report

Airenakho Emorinken, Folasade Ojuolape Agbebaku, Oluwaseun Remi Agbadaola, Asuwemhe Johnson Ugheoke

Page: 125-128

A Case of Ventilator Associated Pneumonia Caused by Pannonibacter phragmitetus

Dooshanveer C. Nuckchady

Page: 164-166

Corticosteroid Treatment for Recurrent Henoch- Schönlein Purpura with Gastrointestinal Manifestation: A Case Report

Elizabeth Melina, Felix Nathan Trisnadi

Page: 136-140

Case Study

A Lipomatous Axillary Mass Revealing an Eosinophilic Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis

Raja Amri, Rami Triki, Haifa Tounsi, Imen Chaabene, Emna Chelbi, Hassen Touinsi, Mohamed Ali Sbai

Page: 94-98

The Aicardi Syndrome: Case Report about a 3-month-old Infant

Ouajid Bakkali, A. Radi, M. Kmari, A. Ourrai, A. Hassani, R. Abilkassem, A. Agadr

Page: 30-36

Isolated Leg Monoparesis in a Patient with Atrial Fibrillation and Acute Ischemic Small Vessel Disease

Sook Vui Chong, Chin Hong Kua, Nan Nitra Than

Page: 1-8

Thoracoomphalopagus-the Twins Sharing Heart

Meenakshi Singh, Soni Choudhary, Pikee Saxena, . Rajkiran

Page: 172-177

Esophageal Cancer Causing Severe Bronchial Airway Obstruction – A Case Presentation

K. G. Lynrah, Iadarilang Tiewsoh, Anamika Das, Evan Synrem, Bhupen Barman, Evarisalin Marbaniang, Arnab Kalita

Page: 65-69

Persistent Pruritic Plaque Like Rash in Adult-Onset Still’s Disease: A Case Report

Mobassir Ali Akbar, Arzoo Shahid, Madiha Ariff

Page: 153-156

Povidone-iodine Induced Fixed Bullous Eruption: A Case Report

Zaruhi G. Kalikyan, Sona S. Harutyunyan, Tatevik G. Aloyan

Page: 105-109

Antiepileptic Drug-Induced Skin Rash Revealing a Cross-Reactivity between Antiepileptic Drugs in a Patient with Anticonvulsant Polypharmacy

Z. Zeggwagh, S. Kerroum, N. Ismaili, L. Benzekri, M. Meziane, K. Senouci

Page: 178-183

Orbital Emphysema: Is it Due to Primary Blast Injury or Nose Blowing? A Case Report

H. T. D. W. Ariyarathna, S. R. Hulathduwa

Page: 157-163

Congenital Agenesia of the Inferior Vena Cava: A Diagnosis to Mention in Front of a Deep Vein Thrombosis

Raja Amri, Romdhane Denguezli, Wafa Garbouj, Khaled Bouzaidi, Manel Loukil, Mohamed Ali Sbai

Page: 82-89

Pressure Ulcer on Wrist Post Synthetic Fracture Cast: A Case Report

Varsha Narayanan

Page: 141-144

Dual Cholesteatoma in a Non-operated Ear: A Rare Presentation

W. K. Smith, H. K. Subrahmanyam

Page: 37- 41

Accumulation of Urine in the Peritoneal Cavity after Bladder Rupture Following Vaginal Delivery: A Case Report

Reihane Sadat Hosseini, Mehnoosh Farshchian, Somayyehalsadat Hosseini, Faeze Sadat Hosseini

Page: 90-93

Age and Papillary Thyroid Cancer; A Perspective with Case Report

M. S. Syauqi, A. B. Zulkiflee

Page: 189-193

Restrictive Cardiomyopathy or Hypertensive Heart Disease?: A Case Report

B. P. Wijesinghe, S. R. Hulathduwa

Page: 167-171

Primary Squamous Cell Carcinoma of Parotid Gland- Case Report

Anil Pandey, Saurabh Varshney, Manu Malhotra, Amit Kumar Tyagi, Amit Kumar

Page: 42-46

A Successful Treatment of a Patient Infected with Pan-drug Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii Ventriculitis with Intravenous Sulbactam: A Case Study

P. Keandoungchun, P. Narischat, W. Laosuebsakhunthai, A. Ubontachart

Page: 13-20

Atypical Presentation of Novel COVID 19 Disease: A Case Report and our Experience

I. O. Akpalaba, T. O. Olarinoye

Page: 110-115

The Prediction of Return Quality Medical Record Documents William Booth Hospital, Semarang

Amalia Azizah, Ayu Permata, Jaka Prasetya, Slamet Isworo

Page: 70-81

Prostate Cancer Presenting as Left Supraclavicular Lymphadenopathy and a Review of the Literature

Hanzali Jumastapha, Sakina Ghauth

Page: 47-54

Guillain-Barre Syndrome Associated with Acute Hepatitis A Infection: A Case Report

Masoud Mardani, Rozita Khodashahi, Yazdanali Faghani

Page: 21-25

Plasmablastic Lymphoma: A Challenging Diagnosis

Ephrem Christelle, Elias Edouard, Khoueiry Paul, Matta Clemence

Page: 116-119

A Curious Case of Accidental Foreign Body Ingestion with a Mini-review of the Literature

Budumuri Gautam V. Kumar, Prasanna Kumar, Ashok Kumar, Rohit Gupta

Page: 55-59

Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma of the External Auditory Canal: Case Report

Hemanth Kowdley Subrahmanyam, Wendy Smith

Page: 26-29

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