2019 - Volume 2 [Issue 1]

Case Report

Appendiceal Endometriosis: A Case Report

Emmanuel Innocent, Ochigbo Adam, Yakubu Daniel, Wina Felix Markus

Page: 1-6

Epithelioid Sarcoma of Hand Masquerading as Radial Styloid Osteomyelitis: A Case Report

Ling Lee Siang, Seo Soon Teck, Mohd Karim Bin Md Isa, Sivapathasundaram A/L C. Nadarajah

Page: 101-106

An Elderly Patient with Abdominal Pain: Hypereosinophilic Syndrome

Chong Sook Vui, Kua Chin Hong, Nan Nitra Than

Page: 67-74

Herpes Zoster Infection in Young Adult in the Nabdam District of Ghana: A Case Report

Maxwell Tii Kumbeni, Lois Akasi Armah

Page: 53-56

Knowledge and Attitude of Nursing Mothers towards Umbilical Cord Care in Calabar Metropolis, Cross River State

I. E. Udosen, T. Olaoye, Emmanuel Okondu, G. E. Udosen, Dennis Amaechi

Page: 21-36

Opioid Induced Rhabdomyolysis with Acute Sensorimotor Axonal Neuropathy: An Unusual Presentation

Suraj Agrawal, Navneet Sharma, Sanjay Jain, Ritu Attri, Mandip Singh Bhatia

Page: 107-109

Medical Identity Fraud in Health Insurance Schemes: Creating Awareness in Nigeria

O. E. Daramola, J. M. Abu, L. O. Daramola, T. M. Akande

Page: 37-42

A Case of Protracted Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome: Resistant Lilliputian Hallucinations with Tremor

A. G. S. Darshani, K. Ranasinghe, B. A. Gurukula

Page: 110-116

Neuroblastoma in Early Childhood: A Case Report and Literature Review

Hussun Saeed Jezan, Hanan Abdo Salim, Muna A. Kutb

Page: 62-66

A Genetically Transmitted, Benign Habit: A Case Report and Review

A. S. V. Prasad

Page: 117-125

Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome - A Case Report from India

K. Divya, S. Shiny Samlin, B. Siva, R. Sudharshan, A. Vignesswary

Page: 89-95

Pulmonary Tuberculosis and Intercostal Zona Complicating Abusive Corticosteroid Therapy: About a Case

Issa Yakusu Issa, Bruce Wembulua Shinga, Chilov Okenge Osomba, Blaise Onza Zugolo, Joël Abedi Ndembe, Moise Okenge Lohese, Jacques Ossinga Bassandja

Page: 126-129

Minor p190 Fusion Transcript in CML - A Case Report

Lavanya Nambaru, Faiq Ahmed, Manasi Mundada, Rachna Kher, G. Sandhya Devi, Sudha S Murthy, Senthil J Rajappa

Page: 96-100

Case Study

Type 2 Myocardial Infarction- A Case Report

ASV Prasad

Page: 7-13

Methemoglobinemia Precipitated Possibly by Three Prescribed Drugs

Mandip Singh Bhatia, Ritu Attri, Rajni Kant Kumar

Page: 49-52

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